
최강의 성동구 논술!

"국어의 키, 독서클럽"입니다 :)

오늘은 '엄마가 아이에게 들려주는 리터러시' 라는

주제로 책 줄거리를 "영어로" 정리해 보려고 합니다!

사건의 개요를 살피면서 함께 이야기의 포인트를 짚어볼 건데요~!

오늘은 책 ​「The Fairy and the Woodcutter」 / 「선녀와 나무꾼」 입니다 !

그러면 지금부터 같이 읽어봅시다 !

한국어 버전을 보고 싶으시다면 아래 포스팅을 읽어주세요!



[초등논술 국키논술 성동논술 행당논술] 엄마가 아이에게 들려주는 리터러시 줄거리 요약 (7) -

안녕하세요! 최강의 성동구 논술! "국어의 키, 독서클럽" 입니다 :) 오늘은 '엄마가 아이에...



Incident 1. The deer returned the favor

Once upon a time, there was a woodcutter living with an old mother in a deep mountain. One day, he was cutting trees in the mountain, and a deer ran in and asked him to hide himself from the hunter. After a while, the hunter ran over and asked the woodcutter if he had seen the deer, but the woodcutter told him the wrong direction. The deer asked the woodcutter his wish for repay.

The woodcutter said he wanted to get a beautiful bride, so the deer told him that the fairies will take a bath in the pond next to the forest. The deer told him to hide one of their wing clothes and get married, but never return it until they get four children.

Incident 2. Marriage of the fairy and the woodcutter

The woodcutter waited for the night to come and went to the pond that the deer told him. He was waiting behind a nearby rock, and the fairies started to come down from the sky.

While the fairies were taking off their wing clothes and taking bath in the pond, the woodcutter hid one of the fairies' wing clothes.

After a while, the fairies who finished bathing went up to the sky with their clothes on, but only the youngest fairy could not find her wing clothes, so she remained alone and cried. At that time, a woodcutter approached to her and took her to his house. They finally got married and had three children.

Incident 3. The fairy went back to the sky

However, as the time went by, the fairy missed her home in heaven. The woodcutter, who felt sorry for this, thought that the fairy will not go back because she had three children, so he showed the fairy her wing clothes and told her everything about the deer.

Then the fairy quickly put on her wing clothes, looked at the woodcutter with sad eyes, and said that she had to go back to heaven. She went up to heaven with all three children in her arms. That was when the Woodcutter remembered the words of the deer, that he shouldn't show the fairy her wing clothes before giving birth to four children.

Incident 4. The woodcutter followed the fairy

The woodcutter spent every day crying, missing the fairy and children. Then one day, the deer reappeared and showed him the only way to go up to the sky. It was a bucket that fairies used to get water from the pond.

The woodcutter, who went to heaven in that way, met the fairy and the children. While living happily with his family, the woodcutter began to worry about his mother, who was alone. The fairy couldn't refuse the woodcutter's request to see her mother only once, so she eventually told him to ride a horse from heaven. She warned that he wouldn't be able to come back if his feet touches the ground, so he should never get off the


Incident 5. The woodcutter became alone

The woodcutter, who returned home on the horse, explained the whole story to his mother. Then, she asked the woodcutter to eat a bowl of soup she made for the last time. The woodcutter couldn't refuse her request, so he ate the soup on the back of the horse. Then suddenly, he spilled the soup on its back and fell to the ground because the horse was so surprised that it went back up to the sky.

The woodcutter, who was unable to return to the sky forever, could only look up at the sky and missed his family for life. After he died, he became a rooster. Even now, there is a legend that the reason why the rooster climbs up high and cries "Kkokkio" while looking up at the sky is because it has a mind of a woodcutter wanting to go to heaven and meet his family.

"국어의 키, 독서클럽"에서 준비한

「The Fairy and the Woodcutter」 / 「선녀와 나무꾼」

줄거리 요약 흥미로우셨나요?

저희는 다음 포스팅에서 더욱 흥미롭고 유익한 주제로

다시 돌아오겠습니다 ~!



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